Covid-19 Spring Booster Vaccines FAQs
NIAC has recommended a COVID-19 Spring Booster for the following cohorts:
- 80 or older,
- living in long-term care facilities for older adults
- aged 5 years and older with immunocompromise, associated with suboptimal response to vaccination.
- NIAC also recommends that the spring booster should be made available to those aged 70 to 79 years who, following a discussion with a Healthcare provider, request vaccination.
What if I don’t fall into one of these cohorts?
If you are not in one of the cohorts listed above, we would ask that you register for your booster dose and we will call you when you become eligible.
When should I get my BOOSTER vaccine?
You should get your booster dose at least 3 months after finishing a course of COVID-19 vaccines.
I tested positive for Covid-19, how long should I wait before gettting the BOOSTER?
If you had COVID-19 since you were vaccinated, you should get your booster dose at least 5 months after your positive test result.
Can I get the FLU Vaccine and the BOOSTER at the same time?
It is safe to get your COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as the flu vaccine or any other vaccines you may need.
Follow the steps below to Register for your Covid-19 Spring Booster Vaccine
1. Register online
Click on the button below to register online for your COVID-19 Spring BOOSTER vaccine. Please take your time filling in the form and give the most accurate and up to date information. At the end of the booking form, you will get confirmation that you have registered successfully. Once you have registered and if you are eligible to receive a Covid 19 Spring Booster Vaccine we will contact you to schedule your appointment.
2. Show up to your selected Pharmacy
Please arrive to your selected Pharmacy 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. Please make sure you:
- Have your passport/ID card or driving license
- Wear a face covering
3. Read and sign the consent form
Once you have arrived you will be asked to provide your photo ID. Then, you will be given a consent form which includes a checklist for allergic reaction possibility. Once you have signed the consent form and you are happy to get your vaccine you will be asked to confirm registration details and led to the vaccination room to get your COVID-19 Spring Booster Vaccine.
4. Get your vaccine
Ideally, clothing that does not cover your upper arm or it is easily pulled up should be worn on the day of your vaccination. The vaccine will be administered into your deltoid muscle which is the area of your external upper arm. A vaccination record card and a post vaccination waiting card will be given to you then.
5. Relax and wait 15-30 minutes in our waiting area
Depending on your answers about history of allergies on your consent form, vaccinator will give you a waiting card which will indicate the time when it is safe for you to leave. Post vaccination waiting time is normally 15 minutes, however, in some cases can be up to 30 minutes. You are almost there, sit back and relax until it is safe for you to leave.